The base of my sculptures is a circle-mesh, which is well known in the sacred geometry as “Flower of Life”.
The name „Flower of Life” is given to the overlapping circles pattern in New Age publications.
The Flower of Life (FOL) is a geometric symbol that typically consists of nineteen overlapping circles that are spaced evenly apart from one another. The pattern formed by the circles creates images of perfectly symmetrical flowers.
Commonly, designs are based on circles centered on triangles or on the square lattice pattern of points. Simple Flower of Life symbols use only seven circles. The patterns of seven overlapping circles appear in historical artefacts from the 7th century BC onwards; they become a frequently used ornament in the Roman Empire period, and survive into medieval artistic traditions both in Islamic art and in Gothic art. In the folk art FOL depicts the fundamental forms of space and time. The perfect form, proportion and harmony of the FOL has been known to philosophers, architects and artist around the world.
Unique wooden creations
The sculptures consists of halved turned elements. For assembling I made special templates. In the case of sculpture “Vortex” 72 elements are combined together. Composing these sculptures need exceptional accuracy and precision. Producing a complex sculpture takes sometimes months. These unique wooden creations could complete a design interior.